All level placements are at the discretion of the teaching staff at Ballet Etudes Academy and subject to the approval of the School Director. New students should schedule a placement class with a member of our front desk staff or via email at
Placement classes are offered from our existing class schedule and will be with other students of similar ages and/or dance training. Following a placement class, our staff or volunteers will inform you of which class level the placement instructor suggests you register for. Click here to learn more about placement classes.
You may click here to register your dancer in our online system. Please note that as each semester progresses, some classes may be closed to new enrollment due to capacity, but waitlists are available via the online system. Class registration may also be handled at our front desk on the first day of classes attended.
The annual registration fee applies to both new and returning students and covers the period of August through July. Cost detail can be found here.
Taking a placement class? We typically suggest new students wait to purchase any new leotards until after the placement class has been taken in case the instructor determines another class level is better suited for the student.
Dance clothing that enables free movement; hair should be pulled back and out of the face. Each class may have a specific shoe requirement which will be provided by the class instructor
Male: Black tights, dance pants, or shorts; white t-shirt; black ballet shoes. If you do not have ballet shoes, comfortable socks may be worn until ballet shoes can be purchased.
Female: Level-designated basic leotard (see below for color); pink tights, pink ballet shoes; hair must be secured in a bun; no skirts or warm-ups may be worn during class. If you do not have ballet shoes, comfortable socks may be worn until ballet shoes can be purchased.
Creative: Light Pink Leotard
Pre Ballet: White Leotard
Beginning Ballet: Light Blue Leotard
Ballet 1: Buttercup Yellow Leotard
Ballet 2: Lavender Leotard
Ballet 3: Seafoam Green Leotard
Intermediate Ballet: Dark Gray
Ballet 4: Hunter Green Leotard
Ballet 5: Dark Purple Leotard
Pre-Professional Division B: Royal Blue Leotard
Pre-Professional Division A: Black Leotard
Tuition is due monthly on the 1st of the month; you may elect to have payments automatically withdrawn via either credit card or ACH bank transfer on the 1st or the 10th of the month or self-initiate payment via our Parent Portal or at the front desk each month. A Late Fee will be charged to any account not paid in full on the 15th of the month. Tuition rates are based on a yearly rate, divided into monthly payments; therefore, monthly tuition is the same regardless of holidays or breaks. Ballet Etudes offers no refunds or deductions for students who are unable to attend class; makeup classes may be arranged for excused absences in the student's current level or in the level below the student's current level within 30 days of any class missed.
* No gum or food permitted in the dance studio. Water is permitted.
* All classes are subject to change and are subject to a minimum size requirement.
* No parents or visitors are allowed in the classroom during instruction without invitation.
* If student arrives 15 minutes afer start of class, it is up to the discretion of the teacher if the student will be able to participate or will be asked to sit and watch class, due to lack of warmed muscles to prevent injury to the student.
* Students are expected to treat the staff and facility with respect.
* Please help keep our studio clean.
While we understand that life and mistakes happen, it is very important that your child is picked up promptly from the dance school after class and rehearsal, especially if it is the last one of the day. It is very unsettling for one child to be left when all the other parents have picked up their children. If any Ballet Etudes volunteers or staff must stay with your child after class or rehearsal ends, there will be a $10.00 service fee after the first 10 minutes and a $5.00 fee for every 5 minutes after that, the fee will be assessed and billed to the parent’s account. Please call the studio to notify the office if you will be late due to an emergency.
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